The project team members met today at the University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica in order to discuss the implementation of the project. In accordance with what has been agreed upon at the previous meeting, a constructive meeting was held between the expert working group members and the representative of the Cognita Ltd. company, which was tasked with the development of SCO (Shareable Content Objects) in English, with the purpose of designing and developing the new study programme’s e-learning system. The working group members will continue to develop course materials in English in accordance with the guidelines given by the Cognita Ltd. representative. With regard to the promotion of the new study programme, the project leader and the project assistant will attend the SILMO fair in Paris from September 27-30. The following activities include the completion of the course content in English and the participation in several fairs abroad with the aim of promoting the new study programme. It was concluded that all activities are being implemented in accordance with the project plan and that the following project team meeting will be in the next reporting period.